›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 105-112.

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Rural-urban Income Gap, Social Security and Crime Control Cost:An Empirical Analysis Based on Dynamic Spatial Panel Data Model


  • Received:2015-06-10 Revised:2015-11-16 Online:2016-01-10 Published:2016-01-06

城乡收入差距、社会保障与犯罪治理成本 ——基于动态空间面板模型的实证研究

吴士炜 汪小勤   

  1. 华中科技大学经济学院
  • 通讯作者: 吴士炜

Abstract: This paper based on 2000-2012 provincial panel data, from spatial economics view to analyze, through empirical view to analyze rural-urban income gap, social security and crime control cost, and then analyze its transmission mechanism. Through analysis found different provincial per public security expenditure have a positive spatial correlation, the eastern and western regions’ spatial heterogeneity is large. Empirical results show rural-urban income gap have a positive correlation with crime control cost, social security will help to reduce crime control cost. Moreover, spatial entry coefficient, lag coefficient, inflation, urbanization rate also influence crime control cost. In order to reduce the crime rate and its control cost, government should improve the social security system and reform household registration system to reduce rural-urban income gap.

摘要: 本文基于2000-2012年中国省级面板数据,从空间经济学视角对城乡收入差距、社会保障与犯罪治理成本之间的关系进行实证研究,并探究其传导机制。通过研究发现,中国各省犯罪治理成本之间存在正的空间相关性,且东中西部地区空间差异性相对较大。实证检验结果显示:城乡收入差距对犯罪治理成本存在显著的正相关性,而政府社会福利支出有助于降低犯罪治理成本,此外,空间系数项、被解释变量滞后项、通货膨胀率、城镇化率等因素对犯罪治理成本存在影响。鉴于此,本文提出为有效降低社会犯罪率与犯罪治理成本,政府应完善社会保障制度,并改革户籍制度以降低城乡收入差距。

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