›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (11): 104-112.

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Analysis on the Development Track and Characteristics of Regulatory Economics in China——Econometric Analysis Based on the Literatures of CSSCI Journals

XIAO Xingzhi, ZHANG Weiguang   

  1. Center for Industrial and Business Organization,Dongbei University of Finance and Economics,Dalian 116025,China
  • Received:2018-04-29 Online:2018-11-10 Published:2018-11-12


肖兴志, 张伟广   

  1. 东北财经大学产业组织与企业组织研究中心,辽宁 大连 116025
  • 作者简介:肖兴志(1973-),男,四川邻水人,东北财经大学产业组织与企业组织研究中心教授;张伟广(1991-),男,河南上蔡人,东北财经大学产业组织与企业组织研究中心博士生。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: This paper uses the CNKI and CSSCI journal literature as the data source. By limiting the topic, this paper retrieves 20026 papers of regulatory economics in China from 1998 to 2018, and then uses Bicomb, Ucinet, NetDraw and other softwares to analyze the development track and characteristics of regulatory economics in China from different perspectives. The study finds that the development of regulatory economics in China takes 2008 as the node, and it has been developing rapidly in the past decade. Different types of journals play a boosting role, the research subjects are diversified, and the national key construction colleges and universities have obvious advantages, but as independent disciplines, regulatory economics in China still needs to be strengthened. The analysis of the key words of the thesis shows that subject research topics are closely integrated with China's economic and social realities, and the research focuses vary at different stages. The research themes of regulation economics in different universities also have obvious preferences and distinctive differences.

Key words: Regulatory Economics, Discipline Development, CSSCI Journals, Document Measurement

摘要: 本文以中国知网(CNKI)的CSSCI期刊文献为数据来源,通过限定主题检索得到1998~2018年中国规制经济学研究论文20026篇,运用Bicomb、Ucinet和NetDraw等软件,从不同视角分析学科发展轨迹和特征。研究结果发现,中国规制经济学学科发展以2008年为节点,近十年来发展迅速,不同类型的期刊起着助推作用;学科研究主体多元,国家重点建设高校的优势明显,而作为独立学科发展仍需加强;学科研究主题与中国经济社会现实紧密结合,不同阶段的研究重心有所不同,不同高校的研究主题也有明显的偏好和特色差异。

关键词: 规制经济学, 学科发展, CSSCI期刊, 文献计量

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