›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 11-19.

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The Mechanism of Exchange Rate Pass-through and the
Transformation Strategy of Export Enterprises

CHENG Rong, CHENG Huifang   

  1. School of Economics and Management, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310012, China
  • Received:2018-05-06 Online:2019-03-10 Published:2019-03-11



  1. 浙江工业大学经贸管理学院,浙江 杭州 310012
  • 作者简介:成蓉(1977-),女,山西交城人,浙江工业大学经贸管理学院博士生,浙江理工大学经济管理学院副教授;程惠芳(1953-),女,浙江东阳人,浙江工业大学经贸管理学院教授,博士。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In the imperfect export market, enterprises' innovation and productivity competition are more emphasized. Previous studies were only concern with the influence of exchange rate fluctuation on import and export price and quantity. This paper examines the exchange rate pass-through mechanism based on productivity as an important moderator. Theoretical model shows that in the imperfect competitive export market, disadvantageous exchange rate shocks will force some enterprises with low productivity to withdraw from the export market through the selective effect. Through dynamic effects, enterprises with high productivity may increase R&D investment under the larger product substitution elasticity in order to improve productivity. This paper confirms the above inference by matching data from nearly 8 Chinese industrial enterprises and customs trade between 2001 and 2007. After the appreciation of RMB, the TFP of China's export enterprises has increased rapidly, showing that exchange rate fluctuations have a positive effect on the TFP growth of enterprises. The paper proposes to increase the floating flexibility of RMB exchange rate and improve the flexibility of enterprises to cope with external shocks through operation adjustment so as to strengthen the bedrock of the trade development.

Key words: RMB Exchange Rate, Imperfect Competition, Productivity, Trade Transformation

摘要: 本文考察生产率作为调节变量的汇率对微观企业出口贸易的传导机制。理论研究显示,不利的汇率冲击一方面通过选择效应迫使低生产率企业退出出口市场,另一方面倒逼效应激励高生产率企业加大R&D投入,增加市场替代。利用2001~2007年近8万家中国工业企业与海关贸易的匹配数据分析显示,人民币升值冲击促使我国出口企业的TFP增长提升,增强贸易竞争力,证实生产率作为调节变量的汇率传导机制的存在。因此,增加人民币汇率浮动弹性,促使企业提升生产力以增强抵御贸易风险的韧性,稳固贸易发展基础。

关键词: 人民币汇率, 不完全竞争, 生产率, 贸易转型

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