›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (10): 105-113.

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Designing and Simulation Study on Regional Cost Sharing Mechanism of NIMBY Compensation for Waste Incineration Project

HE Xinglan, LIU Xiangfeng   

  1. China Institute of Regulation Research,Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics,Hangzhou 310018,China
  • Received:2020-03-07 Online:2020-10-10 Published:2020-10-14


何兴斓, 刘相锋   

  1. 浙江财经大学中国政府管制研究院,浙江 杭州 310018
  • 作者简介:何兴斓(1973-),男,山西朔州人,浙江财经大学中国政府管制研究院博士生,浙江省新型重点专业智库“中国政府监管与公共政策研究院”博士生;刘相锋(1985-),男,辽宁鞍山人,浙江财经大学中国政府管制研究院助理研究员,浙江省新型重点专业智库“中国政府监管与公共政策研究院”助理研究员,博士。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: With the advance of China's urbanization process, “garbage” has become a major problem hindering the healthy development of cities. To solve the problem of waste, we must improve the capacity of waste disposal. important for people's livelihood and environmental protection, NIMBY projects are often difficult to be constructed and operated smoothly and effectively, due to multiple factors such as residents' resistance and housing price. The reason is that the construction and operation costs are not allocated scientifically and the externalities of NIMBY projects are not compensated economically. Based on this problem, article H-city waste incineration project using the Shapley value of cooperative game technology regional cooperation cost allocation scheme, based on the modified Shapley algorithm four factors housing price, negotiation skills, environmental risk degree and the degree of residents conflict to avoid the external cost of the project, for the government to formulate the corresponding economic compensation mechanism.

Key words: NIMBY Compensation, Cost Sharing, Cooperative Game Model, Shapley Value Technology

摘要: “垃圾围城”是影响城市健康和谐发展的重要问题,建设垃圾焚烧处理厂成为解决城市垃圾的有效途径。由于邻避效应,垃圾焚烧处理项目时常遭到附近居民的强烈反对甚至在部分城市引发公共事件。垃圾焚烧处理项目的邻避效应本质上是一种环境负外部性,有效的经济补偿机制是治理该问题的核心。本文以H市垃圾焚烧项目为典型案例,采用修正后的Shapley值法,在充分考虑房价变化率、环境风险承担能力、谈判能力及居民邻避冲突程度等因素的基础上,设计多区域合作成本分摊方案,为政府制定邻避效应的经济补偿政策提供有益的思路和依据。

关键词: 邻避补偿, 成本分摊, 经济补偿, Shapley值法

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