›› 2015, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 50-57.

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The Relationship between Legal Environment and Regional Insurance---- based on the various economy


  • Received:2014-05-13 Revised:2014-10-12 Online:2015-02-10 Published:2015-01-21

法律环境差异与区域保险不平衡 ——基于我国不同经济发展水平的研究


  1. 1. 上海财经大学金融学院博士研究生
    2. 上海财经大学
  • 通讯作者: 初立苹

Abstract: In order to analyze the effect of legal environment on non-life insurance and life insurance, especially which is more likely to correlate with economic development, this paper selects 31 provinces in China from 1999 to 2011 as a sample. The empirical results demonstrate that, controlling some variables such as economic development and financial development, legal environment has a significantly positive effect on non-life insurance and life insurance development. And the effect of legal environment on non-life insurance industry shows a L-shape relationship with economic development, while for life insurance so is a U-shape. That makes more contributions to emphasis on the necessity and urgency of perfecting the legal system in these areas of lower economic development. Simultaneously, this paper solves simultaneous equations by three-stage least square methods to handle the hidden endogenous problem between insurance and economy. Finally, the result is very similar to before, supporting that legal environment affects regional insurance.

摘要: 本文以1999-2011年我国31个省(或直辖市)为样本,并考虑非寿险业和寿险业对经济发展的作用机制不同将其加以区分,分析法律环境是否对非寿险和寿险发展产生影响,并探析随着经济发展水平的提升这一影响是否存在以及影响结果如何。实证结果发现,一方面,在控制经济发展水平、金融发展水平、金融业竞争、消费者保护、教育水平、城镇化水平、儿童负担系数和老人负担系数的前提下,法律环境对非寿险业和寿险业发展存在着明显的正效应;另一方面,法律环境对非寿险业发展的影响与经济发展水平呈现出“L”型关系,而寿险业则呈现出“U”型关系,这进一步地强调了在经济发展水平较差地区完善法律制度的必要性和紧迫性。同时,为处理保险与经济之间存在的内生性问题,本文采用三阶段最小二乘法对联立方程组进行回归分析,得出的结果与之前基本一致,这有力地支持了本文的结论,这是以往研究中较少提及的。本文的研究结果,支持法律环境会影响到区域保险发展的论断。

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