›› 2015, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 84-90.

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Research of Consumer’s Avoidance Behavior to Internet Video Related Advertising ——Based on Reverse Psychology


  • Received:2014-04-16 Revised:2014-12-15 Online:2015-02-10 Published:2015-01-21

消费者对网络视频关联广告的躲避行为研究 —基于逆反心理视角


  1. 1. 辽宁工程技术大学
    2. 渤海大学
  • 通讯作者: 万君
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: The inappropriate appearance of the online video related advertising will restrict one’s freedom, and disturb his or her normal watching process when the video is playing, it makes consumers produce rebellious psychology, and choose to close the advertisement. This has seriously influenced consumer’s willingness of accepting the network video related advertisement, and wasted a large amount of advertising expenses. In order to study consumer’s rebellious psychology-transfinite and assess rebellious psychology, the paper build a theoretical model to research factors that influence consumer’s attitude toward network video related advertising based on the theory of reverse psychology. Through the form of questionnaire, researchers collected 465 valid questionnaires, done empirical research by using the method of structural equation. The results of the research show that the information exposure, incentives, correlation degree and the audience's own factors of Network video advertising have significant influence on consumer's rebellious attitude; it is easy for consumers to adopt avoidance behavior to online video related advertising.

摘要: 视频播放页面中,关联广告的不恰当出现会干扰消费者正常观看视频,限制其自由,进而使消费者产生逆反心理,采取关闭广告的躲避行为。这严重影响了消费者对网络视频关联广告的接受意愿,造成商家大量广告费用的浪费。本研究针对超限逆反和评定逆反两种逆反心理构建出消费者对网络视频关联广告躲避行为影响因素的理论模型,并利用结构方程进行实证研究。研究结果表明,消费者的躲避行为主要来源于超限逆反与评定逆反。信息暴露程度、恼怒感对超限逆反产生正效应,认知评价对其产生负效应;恼怒感、感知风险对评定逆反产生正效应,网络广告激励、关联程度则对其产生负效应,信息暴露程度对评定逆反的影响不显著。