›› 2015, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 57-65.

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The Impacts of Cross-listing On the Investment Efficiency: An Exploratory Study Based On Two Cases


  • Received:2015-04-01 Revised:2015-04-17 Online:2015-06-10 Published:2015-06-04



  1. 浙江师范大学经济与管理学院
  • 通讯作者: 徐虹
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: This thesis innovatively puts forward that the cross-listing’s governance effects on the enterprise’s investment efficiency depend on the status of enterprise’s investment. For testing such an opinion, an exploratory study based on two cases is taken. First, the investment efficiency of listed corporations on main-board of domestic A-share during the period of 1992-2013 is measured with the systematic GMM method based on Richardson(2003) Model, with the results revealing that domestic listed corporations are universally faced with the status of under-investment because of the financing constraints, while the cross-listed corporations are universally faced with the status of over-investment. Then, based on that, China Merchants Property Development Co.,Ltd with under-investment before its cross-listing and ZTE Co.,Ltd with over-investment before its cross-listing are chosen for the case study. The results of comparative case study reveal that the cross-listing can effectively reduce the degree of under-investment, while can significantly increase the degree of over-investment. Based on the preliminary conclusions acquired through the case study, this thesis constructs a theoretical framework for analyzing the impacts of cross-listing on the enterprise’s investment behaviors, which provides the important base for the subsequent empirical research based on a large sample.

摘要: 本文有创建性地指出交叉上市对企业投资效率的治理效力具有状态依存性,并为验证这一观点进行探索性案例分析。首先,基于Richardson(2003)模型利用系统GMM方法测量我国A股主板上市公司1992-2013年期间的投资效率,发现上市公司普遍面临融资约束而呈现出投资不足;但其中交叉上市公司却普遍表现为投资过度。在此基础上,分别选取交叉上市前面临投资不足的招商地产和面临投资过度的中兴通讯进行案例分析,发现交叉上市能有效缩小投资不足程度,却显著扩大投资过度程度。本文基于案例间比较所得出的初步结论,构建起一个分析交叉上市影响企业投资行为的理论框架,为后续的大样本实证研究奠定重要基础。

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