›› 2015, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (7): 75-83.

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Study on Expense Property of VAT under the BT to VAT Circumstances: Based on Empirical Evidence


  • Received:2014-10-29 Revised:2015-04-14 Online:2015-07-10 Published:2015-07-01



  1. 烟台大学
  • 通讯作者: 孙晓妍;盖地
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: [Abstract] We have yielded fruitful accomplishment and have achieved the major breakthrough in macro tax system reform since our implementing “BT to VAT” from 2012. According to the current accounting treatment, VAT is not involved in revenues and expenses as the result of VAT excluding from product price, then VAT is “unrelated” to the formatting of enterprise’s profit, and do not affect the earnings after the completion of “BT to VAT”. Therefore, there is no accounting information of VAT. If the reformation of BT to VAT is so effective, will accounting information qualities dramatic increase after BT to VAT? Based on the empirical study, this paper confirmed that VAT as the same as BT could significantly affect the corporate earnings. But as the result of VAT not including in Income Statement, company managers could get more invisible tax planning opportunities. Otherwise, this paper didn’t discover BT’s statistic sign of tax planning because of BT as the part of Income Statement. Therefore, this article strongly recommended that VAT should be expensing into Income Statement, which would be favor of the supervising of tax administration and constrain corporate managers from tax planning to truly report company earnings. Meanwhile, this paper also proved if one person were both president and CEO in corporate governance structure, he would obviously affect the cash flow of VAT and BT, which should be the orientation of optimization in corporate governance.

摘要: [摘 要]我国自2012年起推行“营改增”政策以来,在税制改革中实现了重大突破,取得了丰硕成果。营业税改征增值税后,由于增值税实行价外计税,按现行会计处理方法,收入、费用中“不含”增值税,增值税与企业的利润形成“没有关系”,“不会影响企业盈余”,因此,在利润表中不能提供增值税会计信息。如果说“营改增”成效显著,那么,“营改增”后财务会计信息质量是否也显著提高呢?本文通过增值税、营业税的对比研究表明,增值税与营业税同样显著地影响企业盈余,但因增值税未纳入利润表,给企业管理层提供了隐秘的税务筹划机会,而纳入利润表的营业税,并无统计上的税务筹划迹象。因此,本文建议将增值税费用化处理并纳入利润表,这样,既有利于“营改增”后的税收监管,还能约束企业管理层的税务筹划,更真实地反映企业盈余。同时,研究还发现,公司治理结构中董事长、总经理的职位若由同一人担任,可显著影响增值税的现金流动,应是完善公司治理的方向。

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