›› 2015, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (7): 24-32.

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Current research situation and trend of international participatory budgeting research and domestic reference —Based on the database of ISI Knowledg from 2000 to 2014


  • Received:2014-10-20 Revised:2015-05-04 Online:2015-07-10 Published:2015-07-01

国际参与式预算研究的现状、趋势及借鉴:基于2000-2014年Web of science的文献数据分析


  1. 浙江财经大学
  • 通讯作者: 吴成

Abstract: The research of participatory budgeting has gained extensive attention from academia in recent years, and yielded fruitful academic achievements. With the help of excel, bibexcel, citespace, and through analysis of scientific cooperation, keyword analysis and citation analysis, this paper introduces mapping of knowledge into the field of participatory budgeting research and summarizes the current research situation from 2000 as follows. Firstly, although the perspective of participatory budgeting research is multivariate, with scholars from many country involved in this field, the research achievements have indicated serious gaps between the rich and the poor; secondly, the subject of participatory budgeting research is still Brazil, but the study has shifted its attention to democracy, autonomy and quality of public participation from empirical case; thirdly, although the research achievements of participatory budgeting are rich, some peripheral issues still urgently need to be addressed. On the basis of the previous study and the participatory budgeting of China, the author discusses the possible prospects of the participatory budgeting.

摘要: 参与式预算的研究在近几年得到理论界的重视,研究成果颇为丰富。本文将科学知识图谱引入参与式预算研究领域,借助Excel、Bibexcel、Citespace,通过科学合作分析、关键词分析及引文分析,发现自2000年以来,参与式预算的研究视角多元,各国均有学者参与研究,但研究成果“贫”、“富”差距严重;参与式预算的前沿研究的对象依然是巴西,但是研究的内容却逐步从个案的经验研究转向对民主、自治和对市民参与质量的关注;参与式预算研究取得效果卓著,但仍有许多边缘性的问题亟待解决。笔者在此基础上,结合中国参与式预算,进行了展望。

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