›› 2015, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (8): 96-104.

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Regulatory Disclosure Policy of Medical Service Information: Singapore's Experience and Its Enlightenment for China


  • Received:2015-05-15 Revised:2015-06-08 Online:2015-08-10 Published:2015-09-06



  1. 浙江财经大学
  • 通讯作者: 陈刚
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: As a successful paragon of market-oriented transition of medical system, Singapore is widely praised by the international community in medical service system, because she has a high efficiency of medical service and a harmonious physician-patient relationship. Accordingly it is of great referential value for us that Singapore has promoted the health care system reform by regulatory disclosure policy of medical service information. This paper tease and analyzes the regulatory disclosure policy of medical service information in Singapore from three aspects: historical background, economic logic, policy framework, and then reveals the enlightenment significance for Chinese medical system reform. On this basis, this paper points out that it is very urgent for our country to achieve the cost-controlling and efficiency-enhancing and to harmonize physician-patient relationship, so we have to gain efficiency from the market, harmonize the physician-patient relationship by efficiency, and the market-oriented reform of medical system should be specified, a policy system with regulatory disclosure as the core should be constructed, a medical market should be build and improved, and the market should be used to play a decisive role on the allocation of the medical resources.

摘要: 作为医疗体制市场化转型的成功典范,新加坡医疗服务效率高、医患关系和谐,广受国际社会赞誉。该国以医疗服务信息披露管制推动体制转型的实践经验极具借鉴价值。本文从历史背景、经济逻辑和政策框架三个方面对新加坡医疗服务信息披露管制政策进行深入梳理、分析,揭示其对我国医疗体制改革的启示意义,据此提出“控费增效”、“医患和谐”任务十分紧迫的我国,应当向“市场”要效率,以效率促和谐,明确医疗体制改革的市场化方向,构建以信息披露管制为核心的政策体系,构筑、完善医疗市场,让市场对医疗资源配置起决定性作用。

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