财经论丛 ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 80-87.

• 工商管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


邱夏  陈惠雄   

  1. 浙江财经大学
  • 收稿日期:2014-01-13 修回日期:2014-03-14 出版日期:2014-05-10 发布日期:2014-05-09
  • 通讯作者: 邱夏
  • 基金资助:


Thinking on Public Management Policy in the Situation of Multiple Happiness Paradox

  • Received:2014-01-13 Revised:2014-03-14 Online:2014-05-10 Published:2014-05-09

摘要: 本文研究发现,目前我国存在着多重“幸福悖论”现象。这些现象既存在于同区域纵向的收入-幸福指数比较中,也存在于跨区域居民的收入-幸福指数比较之中。多重幸福悖论现象可能意味着人们的主观幸福感并未能随着经济福祉的增进而提升。研究同时表明目前我国居民的幸福来源主要在于健康、亲情等这些微观要素,对收入、经济发展等中观要素的满意度稍减,对社会公平、生态环境等宏观要素的满意度最低。满意度状况存在的层次性差异现象,一方面反映了幸福满意的确存在的结构性,另一方面也对提升公共管理水平提出了新要求。只有通过构建系统性的幸福导向的公共管理政策体系,并有针对性地进行区域经济社会发展政策调整,才能够不断提升经济社会发展的主观幸福感水平。

Abstract: The results of this study show that there are the phenomena of multiple “Happiness Paradox” in China at present. These facts lie in both of vertical comparison of the same region and the horizontal comparison between different regions about the resident’ income-happiness. The phenomena of multiple “Happiness Paradox” mean that the subjective wellbeing of residents might not increase with the economic welfare improving. Meanwhile, the sources of happiness mainly are the micro elements such as the health and the affection, the satisfaction of meso-elements has slightly reduced, and the satisfaction of macro elements such as social justice and ecological environment is the lowest. The phenomenon of the gradation differences of Satisfaction status, on the one hand, reflects the happy satisfaction with the structural property, and on the other hand puts forward the new requirement for the public administration. Only by building systemic public management policy system happiness-oriented, and adjusting the targeted regional economic and social development policy subjective well-being result from the economic and social development can continuously enhance.
