›› 2013, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (2): 20-25.

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Does Technological Level Advance China’s Exports International Competition?——Evidence Based on Multinational Data


  • Received:2012-11-22 Revised:2013-01-04 Online:2013-03-10 Published:2013-01-15



  1. 吉林大学
  • 通讯作者: 陈锐
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: International competition of exports has always been the focus of international trade theory, technological change has become the most critical factor in the international competition of exports, but literature on international trade didn’t inspect the international competition of exports under the technological level view. Therefore, this paper builds an international competition index based on the technological level for the first time, and evaluates the international competition of our country’s exports and export trade. Empirical study results, the technological content and level of all kinds of exports show obvious increasing trend during the sample period, the international competition and its growth movement of different technological content exports are different, the international competition of medium, high and low technological content exports are in descending order.

摘要: 出口品国际竞争力一直是国际贸易理论关注的焦点,技术进步已成为出口品国际竞争的关键因素,而国际贸易领域文献并未从技术水平视角考察出口品国际竞争力。为此,本文首次基于技术水平构建国际竞争力指数,考察我国出口品和出口贸易的国际竞争力。经验研究结果发现,样本期内各类出口品技术含量和出口贸易技术水平增长趋势明显,不同技术含量出口品国际竞争力及其增长趋势出现分化,中等、高等和低等技术含量出口品国际竞争力依次递减。

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