›› 2013, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (2): 64-70.

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On spatial inequality and polarization of insurance development in china --based on the comparison analysis between non-life insurance andlife insurance from 1998 to 2010


  • Received:2012-11-15 Revised:2012-12-31 Online:2013-03-10 Published:2013-01-15



  1. 中南财经政法大学金融学院
  • 通讯作者: 李春燕

Abstract: This paper measures the spatial inequality degree of non-life and life insurance development in china from 1998-2010.The results shows that the development trends of spatial inequality between non-life and life insurance is different, which is mainly due to regional difference. After that, analysis the following three areas: the first is the area which exist the biggest difference between non-life and life insurance, the second is the area which very different from others areas, and the last one is the area needed to reduce difference for the balance development. At the same time, try to analysis polarization of non-life and life insurance. And then give some advices for reduce difference of non-life and life insurance.

摘要: 本文运用基尼系数测度1998-2010年我国寿险和产险发展的非均衡程度,并在八大区域内对差异进行分解。结果发现:产险和寿险发展非均衡的演变趋势不同,区域间差异是引起差异的主要原因。并进一步分析产险和寿险发展差异较大区域、与其他区域发展差距较大的区域和缩小产险和寿险差异要注重发展的区域。与此同时,对产险和寿险的极化进行分析。最后提出缩小产险和寿险发展差异的几点建议。