›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 41-46.

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Study on the Effects of New Rural Cooperative Medical System on Farmers’ Migratory Workplace Decisions


  • Received:2013-11-07 Revised:2014-01-10 Online:2014-04-10 Published:2014-03-18



  1. 福州大学公共管理学院
  • 通讯作者: 刘进
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Based on farmers’ field survey in Fujian province, this paper examines the relationship between New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and farmers’ migratory workplace decisions by applying multinomial logistic model, and investigates whether the job-lock effect arises between New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and farmers’ migratory workplace decisions. The results suggest that New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme has played an important role on farmers’ workplace decisions, and to some extent, New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme restricts the job mobility of rural labor. Therefore, China's medical insurance should be integrated in accord with“Rural-Urban Integration in Mind” to make an integrated and portable health care systems established, which could realistically benefit for labors especially rural labors and secure their welfare when they migrate between rural and urban in China.

摘要: 本文以福建地区农户为研究对象,采用Probit模型实证分析了新型农村合作医疗制度对农民外出就业地点选择的影响,由此讨论新型农村合作医疗制度是否会对农民外出务工行为产生“就业枷锁”效应。实证结果表明,新农合制度改变了外出农民就业地点的选择,在一定程度上限制了农村劳动力的自由流动。因此,我国医疗保险系统应按照“城乡一体化”思想进行制度整合,建立具有综合性和可携带性的医疗保障系统,从而促使新农合制度能真正发挥其应有的政策功能,使农民在城乡劳动力流动过程中享受到切实的社会福利保障。

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