›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 74-79.

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The Acquisition and Integration of Banks’ Customer Knowledge: a Perspective of Frontline Employees


  • Received:2014-02-22 Revised:2014-03-14 Online:2014-05-10 Published:2014-05-09



  1. 1. 南开大学商学院
    2. 南开大学
  • 通讯作者: 张欣妍
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: A common dilemma banks facing is that their first-front employees have a relatively high turnover rate and then their customer assets are losing. Thus, this study constructs a conceptual model about how to acquire and combine customer knowledge from the perspective of employees’ motivation and management. Firstly, according to prior literature, the authors classify knowledge into knowledge about customer and knowledge from customer. Secondly, this study explains the three paths or methods to acquire customer knowledge through motivating employees. Lastly, the study discusses how to combine knowledge into banks’ performance through building different organizational orientations. This study not only makes some theoretical contributions, but also guides banks to transform knowledge at the individual level of employee into the organizational level through motivating and managing employees.

摘要: 针对银行等典型服务行业面临的客户经理频繁跳槽、进而造成顾客资产流失的长期困扰,本文创新性地从员工激励和管理的视角,以知识管理理论为基础提出并构建了顾客知识的获取和整合模型。首先,本文在总结以往研究的基础上,将顾客知识划分为关于顾客的知识、来自顾客的知识。在此基础上,根据人力资源管理实践和社会资本理论,重点探讨、比较了三类正式或非正式渠道对于银行获取顾客知识的影响。接下来,侧重组织文化的视角,本文探讨了如何建立不同的文化导向帮助银行整合知识,从而使顾客知识可以更大限度地转化为对应的组织绩效。本文不仅具有理论方面的创新贡献,同时可以指导银行如何透过对一线客户经理的有效激励和管理,实现顾客知识由员工个人层面向银行组织层面的转化,进而获取更加优异的绩效。

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