›› 2015, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (11): 18-24.

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Internal and External Market Demand, Spatial Technology Spillover and New Urbanization


  • Received:2015-03-16 Revised:2015-08-10 Online:2015-11-10 Published:2015-11-03


文映 韩峰 洪联英   

  1. 长沙理工大学经济与管理学院
  • 通讯作者: 韩峰
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Under the new normal economic development of China, further opening foreign markets and stimulate domestic demand to form the interaction of internal and external market has became an important driving force for the coordinated development of population, economic, space and social ,and the realization of new urbanization. Based on the new economic geography, this paper builds theoretical and econometric model to make a study on the effects of the international and domestic market and space technology spillovers on urbanization of 283 ground and above cities using the method of FGLS during the year 2003~2012.The results find that, the domestic market promote the new urbanization in the middle region , while inhibiting in the eastern and western regions ( especially the western region) ; the effects of foreign markets for the new urbanization are largest in the eastern region, second in the west, while it’s negative in the central ;The effects of the technology spillover of Interregional R&D on the new urbanization is positive in the eastern region ,which is negative in the middle and west , and the most negative effect in the middle; The effects of the technology spillover of Interregional communication on the new urbanization is decreasing from east to west, and the effect which in the western region is negative. The domestic market strengthens the effect of technology spillover in the east,while weakening the technology spillover of Interregional R&D in the middle and west. The international market strengthens the effect of technology spillover of Interregional R&D in the eastern region and the effects of the technology spillover of Interregional communication in the west,while weakening the technology spillover of Interregional communication in the east.Domestic market is complementary to the international market in eastern and central regions, while domestic market is substitute for international market in the western region.

摘要: 新常态下,政府主导的传统粗放型城镇化推进模式难以为继,充分发挥市场主导作用已然成为推进新型城镇化的重要动力。本文在系统梳理市场需求对新型城市化的作用机制基础上,采用面板FGLS法探讨了我国地级及以上城市内外市场需求及空间技术溢出对新型城市化的影响。结果显示,国际市场与区际研发技术外溢对新型城市化具有显著促进作用,而国内市场和区际沟通技术外溢却对其产生明显抑制作用。国内市场显著加强了新型城市化进程中东部地区的技术溢出效应,却阻碍了区际研发技术溢出效应在中西部地区的有效发挥;国际市场对东部的区际研发技术溢出效应及西部的区际沟通技术溢出效应具有明显促进作用,但抑制了东部地区区际沟通的技术溢出效应。新型城市化推进中,国内、国际市场在东中部地区的作用表现为互补性,而在西部地区为替代性。

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