›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 86-94.

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Study on the Role of Brand in Multinational B2B Transactions---- Evidence from Chinese Wine Importers


  • Received:2015-09-22 Revised:2015-12-10 Online:2016-03-10 Published:2016-03-11


李翠芝 卢宏亮   

  1. 山西大学商务学院
  • 通讯作者: 李翠芝
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: In the context of Chinese wine market continued growth, it has important theoretical and practical significance to research whether the repeated purchasing behavior of wine importers is affected by the performance standards which they choose a foreign supplier. In this paper, it builds a theoretical model and proposes hypotheses by grouping the traditional supplier selection criteria into the brand's functional performance and introducing the concept of brand emotional performance, taking customer satisfaction as mediating variables and repeated purchasing intention as the dependent variable. The data collected through 206 questionnaires from Chinese wine importers and the conclusions are as follows: the functional performance and emotional performance of suppliers will positively affect importers’ satisfaction, where the functional performance of suppliers also positively affects importers’ repeated purchasing intention, but emotional performance has no direct effect. The emotional performance has an indirect affect on their repurchase intention by influencing satisfaction importer. These results serve to remind foreign wine suppliers of concerning about all the performance criteria including emotional from a strategic perspective.

摘要: 在中国市场进口葡萄酒消费持续增长的背景下,研究葡萄酒进口商选择国外供应商的绩效标准对其重复采购行为是否存在影响具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文将传统的供应商选择标准归纳为品牌功能绩效,同时引入了品牌情感绩效概念,以顾客满意作为中介变量、以重复购买意向作为因变量构建了理论模型并提出研究假设,数据收集是通过对206家葡萄酒进口商发放问卷的方式进行的。实证研究得出如下结论:供应商的品牌功能绩效和品牌情感绩效都会正向影响进口商满意度,供应商的功能绩效还正向影响进口商的重复购买意向,但情感绩效没有实现对进口商重复购买意向的直接影响,情感绩效通过影响进口商满意度间接影响其重复购买意向。这些结论有助于提醒国外葡萄酒供应商应该从战略高度关注包括情感在内的全部绩效标准。

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