›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 11-18.

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Global Value Chain, Productive Service and Improvement of the International Competitiveness of China’s Manufacturing Industry


  • Received:2016-01-25 Revised:2016-04-10 Online:2016-06-10 Published:2016-06-06



  1. 山东大学经济学院
  • 通讯作者: 于明远
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: According to current situation of international competitiveness of China's manufacturing industry in the global value chain, we put forward the promotion mechanism of international competitiveness of China's manufacturing industry: To adjust industrial structure constantly to “soften” trend by increasing the intermediate input of productive service industry in China's manufacturing industry, so as to change the path dependence of low-end links such as processing and assembling, and rise to high value-added links on both ends in the global value chain, then we can improve the division position of China's manufacturing industry in the global value chain. After the division position has been improved, China's manufacturing industry can further improve profitability and gain more benefits of divisions by controlling strategic links and resources, so that we can eventually achieve the goal of improving international competitiveness of China's manufacturing industry.

摘要: 针对中国制造业在全球价值链(GVC)中的竞争力现状,提出了GVC视角下中国制造业国际竞争力提升的作用机理:通过加大生产性服务对中国制造业的中间投入,使产业结构不断向“软化”趋势调整,改变之前对加工装配等低端环节的路径依赖,向GVC两端的高附加值环节攀升,从而提高中国制造业在GVC中的分工地位。分工地位提高后,通过对战略环节和资源的控制,进一步提升获利能力,获得更多分工利益,最终达到提升中国制造业在GVC中国际竞争力的目的。

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