›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 94-103.

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Study on the Effects of Top Managerial Ties on Entrepreneurial Orientation——A Mediated Moderation Model

MA Li1,2, ZHAO Bei1   

  1. 1. School of Management, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China;
    2. School of Management, Xizang Minzu University, Xianyang 712000, China
  • Received:2017-08-01 Online:2018-04-10 Published:2018-04-13


马丽1,2, 赵蓓1   

  1. 1.厦门大学管理学院,福建 厦门 361005;
    2.西藏民族大学管理学院,陕西 咸阳 712000
  • 作者简介:马丽(1982-),女,甘肃敦煌人,厦门大学管理学院博士生,西藏民族大学管理学院讲师;赵蓓(1958-),女,河南新乡人,厦门大学管理学院教授。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Entrepreneurial orientation is a strategic choice to capture value and achieve growth. This paper explores the mediating role of opportunity capture between top managerial ties and entrepreneurial orientation, and the mediated-moderating effect of environmental uncertainty on the influence of top managerial ties over entrepreneurial orientation. Based on a survey from 210 established enterprises, this study finds that top managerial ties have positive effect on entrepreneurial orientation. Opportunity capture has a full mediating effect on the relationship between top managerial ties and entrepreneurial orientation. Environmental uncertainty plays a moderating role in the relationship between top managerial ties with government and opportunity capture. In addition, opportunity capture mediates the interactive effects of top managerial ties and environmental uncertainty on entrepreneurial orientation.

Key words: Top Managerial Ties, Opportunity Capture, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Environmental Uncertainty

摘要: 创业导向是企业价值增值,实现增长的战略选择。本文以机会获取为中介变量,以环境不确定性为调节变量,构建了一个有中介的调节效应模型,旨在揭示高层管理者关系对企业创业导向的影响机制。基于210家成熟企业数据的实证研究结果表明:高层管理者商业关系、政治关系对企业创业导向有正向影响,机会获取在高层管理者商业关系、政治关系与创业导向间发挥完全中介作用;环境不确定性削弱了高层管理者商业关系、政治关系对企业机会获取的直接效应,从而弱化了其对创业导向的间接效应。

关键词: 高层管理者关系, 机会获取, 创业导向, 环境不确定性

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