›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 104-112.

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On the Moderate Regulation of Privacy Risk in Internet Economy Platform——Taking the Sharing Economy Environment as the Basic Background

YU Xuefeng1, REN Guanghui2   

  1. 1.School of Law,Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics,Hangzhou 310018,China;
    2.School of Economics,Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics,Hangzhou 310018,China
  • Received:2018-01-22 Online:2018-06-10 Published:2018-06-05


于雪锋1, 任光辉2   

  1. 1.浙江财经大学法学院,浙江 杭州 310018;
    2.浙江财经大学经济学院,浙江 杭州 310018
  • 作者简介:于雪锋(1976-),男,江苏南通人,浙江财经大学法学院讲师,博士;任光辉(1981-),男,河南周口人,浙江财经大学经济学院讲师,博士。

Abstract: In the environment of current internet platform economy, especially sharing economy, privacy risk has become increasingly serious. However, due to factors such as individual irrationality, incomplete information, and externalities, it is impossible to achieve the ideal state of privacy protection by relying solely on the market, and it is necessary to solve the problem with the help of the power of regulation. The difficulty of regulation lies in how to strike a balance between privacy protection and information flow. Based on a comparative analysis of the cost-benefit of users, enterprises, and the society under different levels of privacy regulation, this paper finds that a moderate regulatory interval can be derived for the reference of regulatory agencies. Based on this, the paper concludes that appropriate regulatory objectives of privacy risk can be achieved through the joint formulation of regulatory standards, the use of self-strengthening mechanisms,and the choice of appropriate opportunity to intervene and appropriate implementation.

Key words: Network Platform, Sharing Economy, Privacy Risk, Cost-benefit, Moderate Regulation

摘要: 在当前网络平台经济特别是共享经济环境下,隐私风险渐趋严重。但由于参与个体非理性、信息不完全和外部性等因素,完全依靠市场并不能达到理想的隐私保护状态,有必要借助规制的力量加以解决,而规制的难点在于如何在隐私保护与资讯流动之间取得平衡。基于不同隐私规制水平下用户、企业和社会的成本收益比较分析,得出一个可供规制机构参考的适度规制区间。在此基础上,从联合设定规制标准、利用自加强机制、选择介入时机和合适的执行力度等入手实现隐私风险的适度规制目标。

关键词: 网络平台, 共享经济, 隐私风险, 成本收益, 适度规制

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