›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (8): 22-31.

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Does Integration of Medical Insurance Reduce the Medical Burden of Poor Urban and Rural Residents? ——Analysis Based on the Difference in Difference Method

LIU Li1, LIN Haibo2   

  1. 1. Wealth Management Institute,Ningbo Dahongying University, Ningbo 315175, China;
    2. Business School, Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Dalian 116044, China
  • Received:2017-12-16 Online:2018-08-10 Published:2018-08-23



  1. 1.宁波大红鹰学院财富管理学院,浙江 宁波 315175;
    2.大连外国语大学商学院,辽宁 大连 116044
  • 作者简介:刘莉(1964-),女,陕西西安人,宁波大红鹰学院财富管理学院教授;林海波(1971-),男,辽宁大连人,大连外国语大学商学院副教授,通讯作者。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Based on the two tracking panel data of CHARLS in 2011 and 2013, this paper uses the difference in difference method to examine the impact of integration of medical insurance on the original high medical burden groups and the gap of burden between them and the other groups. The results show that medical insurance integration reduces the medical burden of the whole group compared with the new rural cooperative medical insurance and residents' medical insurance, but the decline in the medical expenditure ratio of the original high-burden group is smaller than that of the other groups. Although the economic performance of the new rural cooperative medical system based on the actual medical expenditure and the incidence of serious illness expenditure is not significant, if it can improve the health performance and the degree of protection of the beneficiaries, the policy effect is also desirable.

Key words: Medical Burden Equalization, Health Performance, Policy Evaluation

摘要: 基于CHARLS 2011年和2013年近邻两期跟踪面板数据,本文运用分位数倍差法考察医保一体化对于原有高医疗负担群体的影响以及和其他群体的差距变化。结果表明:医保一体化较之新农合和居民医疗保险降低了整个收益群体的医疗负担,但原有高负担群体的医疗支出收入比的降幅小于其他群体。虽然以实际医疗支出和大病支出发生率为评价指标的新农合经济绩效并不显著,但是如果能够提高参保受益人群的健康绩效和保障程度,则政策效果也是合意的。

关键词: 医疗负担均等化, 健康绩效, 政策评估

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