›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (10): 3-11.

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Appearance and Women's Labor Participation——Evidence from CLDS Data

LI Nan   

  1. School of Public Management, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China
  • Received:2018-10-08 Online:2019-10-10 Published:2019-10-09



  1. 中南财经政法大学公共管理学院,湖北 武汉 430073
  • 作者简介:李楠(1987-),女,安徽砀山人,中南财经政法大学公共管理学院博士生。

Abstract: Based on the data from China labor-force dynamic survey(2016), this paper extracts the “housewifization” effect and the “beauty premium” effect in the labor market from the empirical data, and explain the reasons for the decline of attractive women's labor participation rate. First, although there is “appearance discrimination” or “beauty premium” in the labor market, beauty does not have a significant relation with women's participation in the labor market. On the contrary, the more beautiful the woman is, the lower probability of her participation in the labor market . This result still holds true when the labor participation decision-making factor is replaced by the labor participation time. Second, for female individuals with different educational levels, their labor participation decision-making has a significant effect of “housewifization” with low educational background. Third, although the labor participation probability of attractive women is significantly lower than that of unattractive ones, this kind of low labor participation probability mainly occurs in the units outside the system. This paper reveals the effect of “beauty premium” and “housewifization” effect on the decline of women's labor participation rate and the mechanism behind it, which provides a new explanation for the decline of women's labor participation rate in China.

Key words: Appearance, Housewifization, Beauty Premium, Labor Participation

摘要: 本文利用2016年CLDS数据,从经验数据中分离劳动力市场上相貌带来的“主妇化”效应和“美貌溢价”效应,解释貌美者女性劳动参与率下降的原因。尽管劳动力市场上存在“美貌溢价”或“相貌歧视”,但貌美并没有对女性的劳动参与决策产生明显的促进作用,反而呈现越是貌美者,劳动参与概率越低;以劳动参与时间替代劳动参与决策后,研究结论依然稳健。对受教育程度不同的女性个体来说,其劳动参与决策存在显著的低学历“主妇化”效应。虽然貌美者的劳动参与概率显著低于非貌美者,但这种低劳动参与概率仅出现在体制外单位。本文揭示相貌引致的“美貌溢价”和“主妇化”效应对女性劳动参与率下降产生的影响及背后的机制,为我国女性劳动参与率下降现象提供一个新的补充解释。

关键词: 相貌, 主妇化, 美貌溢价, 劳动参与决策

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