›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 3-11.

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Institutional Arrangement,Capital Cost and Industrial Agglomeration——Research from the Perspective of Space Economy

LIAN Fei1, ZHOU Guofu2   

  1. 1.Changchun Central Branch, the People's Bank of China, Changchun 130051, China;
    2.School of Statistics, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin 300222, China
  • Received:2017-11-02 Online:2019-02-10 Published:2019-01-28


连飞1, 周国富2   

  1. 1.中国人民银行长春中心支行,吉林 长春 130051;
    2.天津财经大学统计学院,天津 300222
  • 作者简介:连飞(1983-),男,吉林松原人,中国人民银行长春中心支行高级经济师,博士;周国富(1966-),男,湖南石门人,天津财经大学统计学院教授,博士。

Abstract: This paper, based on the theory of new economic geography, taking into consideration the role of institutional and capital factors on the formation of industrial agglomeration, constructs a theoretical model for the formation mechanism of industrial agglomeration suitable for the development of China's economic development, and on this basis makes an empirical test on the formation mechanism of industrial agglomeration in China. The analysis shows that institutional factors play an important role in the process of industrial agglomeration. The impact of institutional change on industrial agglomeration is remarkable. With the development of the market and the improvement of the institutional environment, the endogenous transaction costs of production and management will be gradually reduced and the industrial agglomeration level will be improved; industrial enterprises are more inclined to invest. The cost of relative efficiency is negatively related to industrial agglomeration, and the rise of capital cost is not conducive to the formation of industrial agglomeration. The improvement of market potential and the level of foreign direct investment have a significant positive effect on industrial agglomeration, and reducing transportation cost and labor cost is conducive to the industrial agglomeration.

Key words: Institutional Arrangement, Capital Cost, Industrial Agglomeration, Space Economy, Market Potential

摘要: 本文根据新经济地理学理论,考虑资本和制度因素对产业集聚形成的作用,构建适合我国经济发展情况的产业集聚形成机制理论模型,并在此基础上实证检验产业集聚的形成机制。分析结果表明,制度因素在产业集聚过程中发挥重要作用,制度变迁对产业集聚的影响显著为正,随着市场发育的成熟和制度环境的改善,企业生产经营的内生交易成本逐步降低,产业集聚水平得到提高;工业企业更倾向于向资本成本较低的地区集聚,工业相对效率资本成本与产业集聚呈负相关,资本成本的上升不利于产业集聚的形成;市场潜力和外商直接投资水平的提高对产业集聚具有显著的正向促进作用,交通运输成本和劳动力成本的降低有利于产业集聚。

关键词: 制度安排, 资本成本, 产业集聚, 空间经济, 市场潜力

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