›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (5): 13-21.

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Regional Servitization and Wage Income——An Empirical Study Based on CHIP Data

CHEN Lixian, WEI Zuolei   

  1. (School of Economics and Trade, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510006, China)
  • Received:2018-06-10 Online:2019-05-10 Published:2019-05-15


陈丽娴, 魏作磊   

  1. (广东外语外贸大学经济贸易学院,广东 广州 510006)
  • 作者简介:陈丽娴(1992-),女,广东湛江人,广东外语外贸大学经济贸易学院讲师;魏作磊(1976-),男,河南滑县人,广东外语外贸大学经济贸易学院教授。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: By constructing the regional servitization index and using the instrumental variable, this paper finds that the regional servitization has significantly increased the wage income of manufacturing workers. But in the service industry, the impact of the regional servitization on the workers’ wages is not obvious, and at the 1% significance level it reduces workers' real wage income. This paper further examines the heterogeneous influence of the regional servitization on the wageincome of workers with different skills. The results show that the regional servitization has significantly increased the wage income of the low-skilled manufacturing workers and significantly reduced the wage income of low-skilled service workers This is likely related to the lack of good interaction between the manufacturing and the service industrie in our country and the low labor productivity of the service industry. Therefore, improving the development level of th service industry is the key to solving the problem, and the government should also actively encourage the manufacturing enterprises to carry out the strategy of servitization

Key words: Servitization, Wage Income, Heterogeneity Laborer, Instrumental Variable Method

摘要: 本文通过构造地区制造业服务化指标,使用1990~2000年服务业增加值的增长率作为工具变量,考察地区制造业服务化程度对劳动者工资收入的影响。估计结果显示,地区制造业服务业程度的提高显著增加制造业劳动者的名义工资收入,考虑物价因素后,估计系数仍显著为正。但地区制造业服务化程度对服务业劳动者的名义工资收入的影响效果不明显,在1%的显著性水平下降低服务业劳动者的实际工资收入。进一步分析地区制造业服务化程度对不同技能劳动者工资收入的差异性影响,发现地区制造业服务化程度显著提高低技能制造业劳动者的工资收入,显著降低低技能服务业劳动者的工资收入,这可能与我国制造业和服务业之间缺乏良好互动及服务业劳动生产率较低相关。因此,提高服务业发展水平是解决问题的关键,政府应积极鼓励制造业企业实施服务化转型战略。

关键词: 地区制造业服务化, 劳动者工资收入, 异质性劳动者, 工具变量法

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