›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (5): 22-32.

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The Source of Land Finance: Forced by Pressure or Tempted by Promotion——An Empirical Analysis Based on the Data of Eastern Coastal Developed Cities

GONG Lizhen   

  1. (Business School, Putian University, Putian 351100, China)
  • Received:2018-04-09 Online:2019-05-10 Published:2019-05-15



  1. (莆田学院商学院,福建 莆田 351100)
  • 作者简介:龚丽贞(1985-),女,福建莆田人,莆田学院商学院讲师,博士。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Based on 14 eastern cities' panel data 1999~2009, this thesis uses spatial econometrical method to study the causes of china's land finance, and introduces key factors of land finance's mechanism such as the among the local governments, local governments' financial stress and local governments' investment into empirical analysis, thus forming a complete interpretative frame to explain local government's land finance. The results show that local governments' financial stress after tax-sharing reform is just excuse of local government. Instead, local government officials' performance assessment system is the main reason for the emergence and strengthening of land finance. Under this mechanism, by following route of “exchange land for investment, driving GDP growth by investment and using GDP growth for political promotion”, local governments drive and strengthen the land finance while obtaining GDP growth and political promotion.

Key words: Land Finances, Financial Stress, Assessment Mechanism, GMM, Spatial Econometrics

摘要: 基于1999~2016年东部14城市的面板数据,运用空间计量经济学方法分析土地财政的成因,将地方政府间竞争、地方政府财政压力和地方政府投资等土地财政产生机制中的关键性因素引入实证分析,从而形成一个解释地方政府土地财政行为的完整框架。结果显示,分税制改革后的财政压力只是地方政府实行土地财政的借口,以GDP为主的地方政府官员政绩考核体制才是土地财政产生和持续发展的主要原因。该体制下地方政府通过“以土地换投资,以投资带动GDP增长,以GDP增长获取政治晋升”的发展路线,在获得GDP增长从而获得政治晋升的同时,推动了土地财政的产生和加强。

关键词: 土地财政, 财政压力, 考核机制, 广义矩估计(GMM), 空间计量

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