›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (8): 84-94.

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Can Leaders' Temporal Reminder Really Promote Employees' Job Performance?——A Moderated Double Mediation Model

SONG Kuntai, ZHANG Zhengtang, ZHAO Lijing   

  1. School of Business, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
  • Received:2018-09-28 Online:2019-08-10 Published:2019-08-28


宋锟泰, 张正堂, 赵李晶   

  1. 南京大学商学院,江苏 南京 210093
  • 作者简介:宋锟泰(1991-),男,安徽合肥人,南京大学商学院博士生;张正堂(1975-),男,安徽明光人,南京大学商学院教授;赵李晶(1992-),男,江苏如皋人,南京大学商学院博士生。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Temporal reminder is one of the most common management skills of leaders, which can help focus employees' attention on work, but the relationship between temporal reminder and employees' job performance is still unclear. Based on the affective events theory(AET), this research constructs a moderated double path mediation model to examine the influence of temporal reminder on the job performance through a 3-way survey of 295 employees. The results are as follows: temporal reminder has a positive impact on the task performance but no significant impact on the contextual performance; both the harmonious passion and the obsessive passion have mediation effect between temporal reminders and the job performance; pacing style moderates the relationship between temporal reminder and the two types of job passion as well as the mediating effect of the harmonious passion and the obsessive passion; the higher the level of the deadline action style, the stronger the mediating role of the harmonious passion and the weaker the mediating role of the obsessive passion. This research further analyzes the mechanism of leaders' temporal reminder influencing employees' job performance, and provides management implication for improving employees' performance.

Key words: Temporal Reminders, Job Passion, Pacing Style, Job Performance

摘要: 时间提醒是领导者常用的管理方式,是将员工的精力集中在工作中的重要途径,但是时间提醒影响员工工作绩效的作用机制尚不明晰。基于情感事件理论构建一个被调节的双重路径作用模型,并通过295名企业员工三阶段调研数据检验时间提醒对员工工作绩效的影响。结果表明:时间提醒有助于员工提高任务绩效,但对周边绩效没有直接影响;和谐式激情和强迫式激情均起到中介作用;个体的行动风格在时间提醒与和谐式激情、强迫式激情的关系间均存在调节作用;个体行动风格改变和谐式激情和强迫式激情的中介作用强度,对于期限行动风格的个体而言,和谐式激情作用路径更强,强迫式激情的作用路径更弱。本研究进一步分析领导者时间提醒对员工工作绩效的影响机制,能够为提高员工工作绩效提供可供参考的管理启示。

关键词: 时间提醒, 工作激情, 行动风格, 工作绩效

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