›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 104-112.

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Will Structural Reforms be Effective in Promoting Entrepreneurship?——Evidence from Structural Reforms Data and the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Data

WANG Shanshan, LI Yue   

  1. School of Economics,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China
  • Received:2019-05-14 Online:2020-05-10 Published:2020-05-21


王珊珊, 李月   

  1. 南开大学经济学院,天津 300071
  • 作者简介:王珊珊(1992-),女,黑龙江齐齐哈尔人,南开大学经济学院博士生;李月(1982-),女,吉林省吉林市人,南开大学经济学院副教授,中国特色社会主义经济建设协同创新中心副研究员。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The paper researches the effect of structural reforms on entrepreneurial activities and the sequence effect, and explores the heterogeneity of the influence of structural reforms on different entrepreneurial types. The probit regression results show that: (1)The improvement of individual entrepreneurial opportunity perception plays an important intermediary role in the impact of structural reforms on entrepreneurial activities. (2)The sequence effect of structural reforms show that it is appropriate to give priority to the reforms on the international trade, liquidity liabilities to GDP, the cost of starting a business, hiring and firing regulations, political stability at the middle-income stage, while it is more suitable to influence entrepreneurial choice through private sector credit, centralized collective bargaining, and legal enforcement of contracts at the high-income stage. (3) The impact of structural reforms on opportunity-motivated entrepreneurship is even more pronounced at the middle-income stage, and necessity-motivated entrepreneurship will not be significantly affected by structural reforms at the high-income stage.

Key words: Structural Reforms, Opportunity-motivated Entrepreneurship, Necessity-motivated Entrepreneurship, Mediation Effect, Sequence Effect

摘要: 本文整合全球创业观察成人人口调查数据库和结构性改革指标体系,研究结构性改革对创业的中介效应和顺序效应,探索结构性改革对不同创业类型影响力的异质性。probit回归结果发现,个体创业机会感知的提升在结构性改革对创业的影响中发挥重要的中介作用;结构性改革的顺序效应体现为国际贸易开放、流动性负债占比、创业成本、雇佣和解雇法规及政治稳定性的改革适合在中等收入阶段优先推行以促进创业,而在高收入阶段更适合通过私人信贷、集体谈判和合约的法律执行力的改革来影响创业选择;中等收入阶段的机会型创业受结构性改革的影响更加明显,高收入阶段的生存型创业基本不受结构性改革的影响。

关键词: 结构性改革, 机会型创业, 生存型创业, 中介效应, 顺序效应

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