›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 95-103.

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Shared Bicycle Consumption and Unethical Behavior in the Shared Economy Environment——Based on the Mobility Feature of Liquid Consumption

FAN Xiaoming,WANG Xiaoyu   

  1. College of Business,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433,China
  • Received:2017-09-25 Online:2020-06-10 Published:2020-06-16



  1. 上海财经大学商学院,上海 200433
  • 作者简介:范晓明(1989-),男,江苏宿迁人,上海财经大学商学院博士生;王晓玉(1971-),女,山东青岛人,上海财经大学商学院教授,博士。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Liquid consumption is a newly emerging concept of consumer behavior in recent years. This study exploresthe relationship between the shared bicycle consumptionand consumers’ unethical behavior in the shared economy environment and its internal mechanisms from the perspectiveofthe mobility feature of liquid consumption. The findings of the study are as follows: The mobility feature of liquid consumption positively affects unethical parking behavior; Moral disengagement plays a mediating role in the relationship between the mobility feature of liquid consumption and the unethical parking behavior; Self-monitoring negative moderates the relationship between the mobility feature of liquid consumption and the moral disengagement; Self-monitoring moderates the influence of the mobility feature of liquid consumption on the unethical parking behavior through the moral disengagement. The conclusion of the study enriches the interpretation mechanism of the unethical parking behavior,and provides practical guidance for the government and enterprises to solve the unethical parking problem.

Key words: Shared Bicycle, Liquid Consumption, Mobility, Unethical Parked Behavior, Moral Disengagement, Self-monitoring

摘要: 液态消费是近年来消费者行为领域新出现的概念,本研究基于液态消费流动性特征视角,探讨共享经济环境下共享单车消费与不道德行为之间的关系及其内在机制。研究结果表明:液态消费流动性特征正向影响乱停乱放不道德行为;道德推脱在液态消费流动性特征与乱停乱放不道德行为关系中起中介作用;自我监控负向调节液态消费流动性特征与道德推脱之间的关系;自我监控调节了液态消费流动性特征通过道德推托对乱停乱放不道德行为的间接效应。研究结论丰富了消费者对共享单车乱停乱放不道德行为的解释机制,并为政府和企业解决乱停乱放问题提供现实指导。

关键词: 共享单车, 液态消费, 流动性, 乱停乱放不道德行为, 道德推脱, 自我监控

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