Collected Essays on Finance and Economics ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 89-100.

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Active Voice-Taking Behavior Will Bring Positive Effects: The Influence of Leader Voice-Taking Behavior on Team Outcomes

ZONG Shuwei, HAN Yi   

  1. School of Business Administration, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430073,China
  • Received:2021-08-03 Online:2022-05-10 Published:2022-05-09


宗树伟, 韩翼   

  1. 中南财经政法大学工商管理学院,湖北 武汉 430073
  • 通讯作者: 韩翼(1970—),男,湖北浠水人,中南财经政法大学工商管理学院教授。
  • 作者简介:宗树伟(1993—),男,河南濮阳人,中南财经政法大学工商管理学院博士生。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: With the spread of the COVID-19, the external environment of enterprises has become more turbulent, which requires enterprises to take on board the voice from their employees to accurately identify risks and opportunities, and make rapid responses, so as to maintain creative vitality and improve organizational flexibility. Whether the voice from the employees can take effect depends on whether the leaders are willing to accept the advice. As a result, many organizations at home and abroad have been improving the channels for employees to offer suggestions, encouraging employees to speak up and urging leaders to actively accept advice so that the employees' voice can be incubated and implemented. However, current research has not examined the impact of leaders' voice-taking behavior in depth, nor has it explored what team outcomes result from leader voice-taking behavior. It is still a ‘black box’ as to how leader voice-taking behavior affects the work status and the behavior of the team.
To address this problem, this study introduces collective thriving at work and team innovation behavior to investigate the team-level consequences of leader voice-taking behavior based on social information processing theory, and examines the transmission mechanism (team efficacy) and the boundary condition (empowering leadership) of effects of leader voice-taking behavior by constructing a moderated mediation model. By analyzing the paired data from 112 team leaders and 402 team members, this study generates the following findings. Leader voice-taking behavior affects collective thriving at work positively and significantly; leader voice-taking behavior affects team innovation behavior positively and significantly; team efficacy partially mediates the relationship between leader voice-taking behavior and collective thriving at work,and completely mediates the relationship between leader voice-taking behavior and team innovation behavior;empowering leadership positively moderates the relationship between leader voice-taking behavior and team efficacy on the one hand, and positively moderates mediating effect of team efficacy on the other hand. That is to say, a high level of empowering leadership enhances the mediating effect of team efficacy and facilitates the transmission of impact of leader voice-taking behavior.
The theoretical contributions of this study are as follows. First, this paper expands the understanding of impact of leader voice-taking behavior. The current discussion on the results of leader voice-taking behavior is not sufficient, and is mostly confined to superficial perceptions such as employee voice behavior or willingness to voice. This paper explores the impact of leader voice-taking behavior on collective thriving at work and team innovation behavior and its transmission mechanism (team efficacy) through the lens of social information processing. This contributes to the accumulation of knowledge about the influence effect of leader voice-taking behavior and suggests that scholars can explore the influence effect of the leader voice-taking behavior in depth.
Second, this paper strengthens the exploration of boundary conditions of leader voice-taking behavior. There is insufficient study to demonstrate the organizational outcomes of the response to employees' voice in the academic circle, which restricts the exploration of boundary conditions of leader voice-taking behavior. By introducing the contextual variable of empowering leadership, this study explores the differential effects of leader voice-taking behavior on team efficacy at different levels of empowerment, and finds that empowering leadership provides team members with abundant information about the work environment, helping them to interpret the social cues conveyed by leader voice-taking behavior and promoting the transmission and transformation of the influence effect of leader voice-taking behavior.
Finally, the research level of thriving at work has been enriched through this examination. Existing studies focus more on the exploration of the formation mechanism of thriving at work of employees and pay insufficient attention to collective thriving at work of teams. This paper examines the effect of leader voice-taking behavior on collective thriving at work from the perspective of social information processing. This inherits and develops the socially embedded model of thriving at work, explores the formation mechanism of collective thriving at work, and provides a reference for the subsequent investigation of emergence mechanism of organizational thriving at work.

Key words: Leader Voice-Taking Behavior, Collective Thriving at Work, Team Innovation Behavior, Empowering Leadership, Team Efficacy

摘要: 领导纳谏与否决定着员工建言效能的发挥,影响着组织的活力涌现和健康运转,但既有研究未对领导纳谏行为的影响效应进行充分讨论。通过对112个团队的402名团队成员进行问卷调查,基于社会信息加工视角,本文探究了领导纳谏行为的团队层后果(团队繁荣和团队创新行为),并通过构建被调节的中介模型,考察领导纳谏行为影响效应的传导机制和边界条件。研究结果表明,领导纳谏行为正向影响团队繁荣和团队创新行为;团队效能感在领导纳谏行为与团队繁荣间起部分中介作用,在领导纳谏行为与团队创新行为间起完全中介作用;授权型领导在领导纳谏行为与团队效能感间具有正向调节效应,并强化了团队效能感的中介作用。

关键词: 领导纳谏行为, 团队繁荣, 团队创新行为, 授权型领导, 团队效能感

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