Collected Essays on Finance and Economics ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 78-90.

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Specialized Marketing-type or Sharing Marketing-type: The Effect of Interaction Between Online Celebrity Type and Product Type on Consumers' Purchase Intention

WANG Xuhui, WANG Jiahao, WU Yun   

  1. School of Business Administration, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian 116025, China
  • Received:2022-03-15 Online:2023-05-10 Published:2023-05-09


汪旭晖, 王佳淏, 乌云   

  1. 东北财经大学工商管理学院,辽宁 大连 116025
  • 作者简介:汪旭晖(1976—),男,辽宁大连人,东北财经大学工商管理学院教授;王佳淏(1994—),女,河北石家庄人,东北财经大学工商管理学院博士生;乌云(1997—),女,河北秦皇岛人,东北财经大学工商管理学院硕士生。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Abstract: Live streaming marketing is a new marketing method in the area of network media. With the rise of online celebrity economy, online celebrity live streaming marketing has become one of the most popular online shopping methods for consumers. In 2020, the scale of China's live streaming e-commerce market exceeded 1.2 trillion yuan. Many brands and enterprises, valuing the huge exposure, forwarding volume, user group and transaction volume of live streaming Internet celebrities, are competing to invest in live streaming Internet celebrities, trying to take the advantage of the great capacity of online celebrities to promote their product marketing. However, in the specific marketing practice, not all live streaming online celebrities have achieved success, and the sales volume of different products recommended by the same online celebrities also varies. Existing research results have not yet provided effective guidance for the marketing practice of online celebrities. Although some articles have classified online celebrities, few studies have conducted in-depth exploration of the influence of different types ofonline celebrities on consumers' purchasing behavior, resulting in rough research results. This paper studies the differences in the influence of the interaction between different types of online celebrities with different product types on consumers' purchase intention and explores the influence mechanism and related moderator of the effect of online celebrities on consumers' purchase intention.
From the perspective of consumer information processing, this study first reviews the literature related to online celebrity and consumer information processing, and then conducts an exploratory study on the influence of online celebrity types on consumers' purchase intention through four situational experiments based on the schema theory and the fine processing possibility model. Experiment 1 mainly examines the differences in the influences of different types of online celebrities on consumers' purchase intention with different product types; experiments 2 and 3 focus on the process mechanism of online celebrity types influencing consumers' purchase intention, and explore the mediating effect of information processing fluency; experiment 4 probes into the moderation effect of consumer expertise on the above relationship. The experimental results are as follows: When consumers purchase utility products, specialized marketing-type online celebrities are more capable of promoting consumers' purchase intention; when consumers purchase hedonic products, sharing marketing-type online celebrities can better promote consumers' purchase intention. Information processing fluency plays a mediating role in the above interaction effects. The level of consumers' professional knowledge plays a moderating role in the above interaction effects. When the level of consumers' expertise is low, there exist a matching effect between the online celebrity type and the product type. When the level of consumers' expertise is high, the matching effect between the online celebrity type and the product type will disappear.
The innovation of this paper is to classify online celebrities from the perspective of information dissemination content differences, which enriches the threoretiacl framework of the online celebrityresearch. Moreover, this paper illustrates the influence mechanism of the interaction between online celebrity types and product types on consumers' purchasing behavior. The matching effect of the online celebrity type and the product type will enhance the fluency of consumers' information processing, thus generating positive emotions to promote purchase, while the mismatch will reduce the fluency of consumers' information processing, thus reducing their purchase intention. In addition, it explores the boundary conditions of the interaction between online celebrity types and product types on consumers' purchasing behavior, verifies the moderating effect of consumers' expertise, and finds that the matching effect between online celebrity types and product types exists when consumers' expertise level is low. The matching effect disappears when consumer's expertise level is high.
The practical significance of this paper lies insuggesting that, at the group level of live streaming online celebrities, online celebrities can choose different product categories in the process of live streaming or describe different attributes of products in the process of recommendation according to the types of goods they try to promote. For example, the specialized marketing-type online celebrities are advised to choose utility goods or highlight the utility attributes of the products in their recommendation; For sharing marketing-type online celebrities, they can be more inclined to choose hedonic products in the process of product selection or highlight the hedonic properties of the products when promoting products, which can help improve the marketing efficiency. At the enterprise level, this paper verifies the moderating effect of consumers' professional knowledge level on the interaction between the online celebrity type and the product type and consumers' purchase intention. Enterprises can build differentiated marketing strategies. For new products with low level of consumers' professional knowledge, they can choose suitable online celebrities to recommend matching product types according to the matching effect, and open the market accurately and efficiently. For products with high level of professional knowledge of consumers, the matching effect between the online celebrity type and the product type disappears. Simple matching effect cannot significantly promote consumers' purchase intention, and enterprises need to analyze consumers' decision-making preferences through other means, such as user portrait analysis, for precise marketing.

Key words: Specialized Sell-type Online Celebrity, Sharing Sell-type Online Celebrity, Fluency, Consumer Expertise

摘要: 专门带货型直播和分享带货型直播哪种方式能带来更好的营销绩效呢?本文通过四个情境实验,探讨了网红直播类型对消费者购买意愿的影响机制和边界条件。研究发现:网红直播类型与产品类型的交互作用对购买意愿产生影响。具体来说,当消费者购买实用品时,专门带货型直播更能促进消费者的购买意愿;当消费者购买享乐品时,分享带货型直播更能促进消费者的购买意愿;信息加工流畅性在上述关系中起中介作用,上述匹配关系通过增强消费者的信息加工流畅性进而促进购买意愿;网红直播类型与产品类型的匹配效应是否有效取决于消费者的专业知识水平。研究结论细化了网红直播类型的分类,丰富了网络营销相关领域的文献,对企业开展精准营销具有指导意义。

关键词: 专门带货型直播, 分享带货型直播, 网络营销, 消费者购买意愿

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