›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (5): 94-103.

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Is Value always Co-Created?——Research on Value Co-destruction Literature Review and Future Prospect

LI Zhaohui1, BU Qingjuan1, XU Qianqian1, CAO Bing1,2   

  1. 1(School of Economics and Management, Dezhou University, Dezhou 253023, China)
    2(School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China)
  • Received:2018-06-14 Online:2019-05-10 Published:2019-05-15


李朝辉1, 卜庆娟1, 许倩倩1, 曹冰1, 2   

  1. 1(德州学院经济管理学院,山东 德州 253023)
    2(北京邮电大学经济管理学院,北京 100876)
  • 作者简介:李朝辉(1979-),山东德州人,德州学院经济管理学院副教授,博士;卜庆娟(1976-),山东德州人,德州学院经济管理学院教授,博士;许倩倩(1983-),山东德州人,德州学院经济管理学院副教授,博士;曹冰(1989-),山东德州人,德州学院经济管理学院讲师,北京邮电大学经济管理学院博士生。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: With the continuous deepening research on the theory of value co-creation in the academia, the opposite aspect of value co-creation ——the theory of value co-destruction has attracted the attention of many scholars. The craze research on the theory of value co-destruction has been set off in the international academia. However, no research paper of value co-destruction has been found in the domestic academia. This paper mainly reviews the research literature about “value co-destruction” in the foreign academia, elaborates and introduces the concept of value co-destruction and its related concepts, and clarifies the differences and relations between these concepts and the concept of value co-destruction, and puts forward the prospect of future research. It is hoped that this article can draw domestic scholars' attention to the study of value co-destruction, and provide a clear clue and research ideas for the follow-up researchers in the domestic academia.

Key words: Value, Value Co-creation, Value Co-destruction, Value Diminution, Value Destruction

摘要: 随着学术界对价值共创理论不断深入研究,价值共创的对立面——价值共同破坏理论吸引了众多学者的眼球,国际学术界掀起了研究价值共同破坏理论的热潮。然而在国内,鲜有学者专门研究价值共同破坏。本文主要对国外价值共同破坏的文献进行梳理,阐述并介绍国外学者对价值共同破坏及其相关概念的理解,厘清价值共同破坏相关概念间的区别与联系,综述国外价值共同破坏理论的研究现状,并提出未来研究展望。期望能够引起国内学者对价值共同破坏研究的重视,并为后续研究提供清晰的脉络以及研究的思路。

关键词: 价值, 价值共创, 价值共同破坏, 价值减少, 价值破坏

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