›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (5): 104-112.

• Contebts • Previous Articles    

Traffic Congestion, Spatial Spillovers and Population Urbanization in China

JIANG Zhuqing1, LIU Jianjiang1, HAN Feng2   

  1. 1(School of Economics and Management, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410076, China)
    2(Institute of Politics and Economics, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing 211815, China)
  • Received:2018-05-23 Online:2019-05-10 Published:2019-05-15


姜竹青1, 刘建江1, 韩峰2   

  1. 1(长沙理工大学经济与管理学院,湖南 长沙 410076)
    2(南京审计大学政治与经济研究院,江苏 南京 211815)
  • 作者简介:姜竹青(1989-),女,湖南宁乡人,长沙理工大学经济与管理学院博士生;刘建江(1971-),男,湖南隆回人,长沙理工大学经济与管理学院教授;韩峰(1984-),男,山东邹平人,南京审计大学政治与经济研究院副教授。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: This paper uses the spatial lag of X model to identify the spatial externalities of congestion in the process of urbanization employing the panel data of Chinese cities. The results show that there is an inverted U-shaped correlation between the urbanization level and the increase of the traffic density of the city itself and of the nearby cities. Moreover, the traffic density in most cities has become such that there have appeared obvious congestion effects. During the urbanization process, the effects of congestion externalities increase with the size of the city. However, the traffic congestion effects of cities of various grades are different. Specifically, the congestion spillover effects of small cities are greater than those of medium-sized cities in the eastern region; the congestion spillover effects of type-Ⅱ large cities is the minimum among the various grades of cities in the central region; in the western region, the congestion effects of type-Ⅱand above cities are comparatively high, and the traffic density of medium-sized and small cities has a positive spatial spillover effect on the urbanization process.

Key words: Traffic Congestion, Spatial Spillovers, Population Urbanization, Spatial Lag of X Model

摘要: 本文以中国城市面板数据为样本,利用空间滞后解释变量模型,探讨道路交通密度对城市化的影响及其空间效应。研究结果显示,人口城市化水平与本市及邻市道路交通密度均存在先升后降的倒U型关系,且多数城市的道路交通密度过大,已出现明显的拥堵效应。在城市化进程中,交通拥堵的空间外溢效应在整体上随城市规模等级提高而呈递增趋势,且各等级城市交通拥堵的外溢效应空间边界均由东向西依次递减,但各地区内部不同等级城市交通拥堵对人口城市化的空间作用效果表现各异。东部地区小城市的交通拥堵外溢效应高于中等城市,中部地区Ⅱ型大城市的交通拥堵外溢效应低于中等城市和小城市,西部地区Ⅱ型及以上大城市的交通拥堵效应偏高,而中等城市和小城市的道路交通密度提高则有利于推动周边地区的城市化进程。

关键词: 交通拥堵, 空间外溢, 城市化, 空间滞后解释变量模型

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