›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 94-103.

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Will People Do More Charity Online?——An Empirical Research of “Internet+Charity” Mode's Effect on People's Charity Behaviors

SHAO Peizhang, ZHANG Mengwei   

  1. Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics Dongfang College, Haining 314408, China
  • Received:2018-06-05 Online:2019-06-10 Published:2019-06-13



  1. 浙江财经大学东方学院,浙江 海宁 314408
  • 作者简介:邵培樟(1982-),男,江西婺源人,浙江财经大学东方学院副教授;张朦薇(1990-),女,浙江海宁人,浙江财经大学东方学院助教。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In light of the fact that the “internet+charity” mode has been playing a more and more important role in today's philanthropy in China, this study aims to explore how “internet+charity” affects individual's charity behaviors. Study 1 finds that people donate less money and time online than they do offline, and charity organization's authority, the mental distance between the donator and the object, and the mode of donation have an interaction effect between each other. Specifically, people donate more to those objects of further mental distance through authoritative organizations and to those objects of closer mental distance through inauthoritative organizations when they do charity through traditional offline ways. However, when people do charity online, the authority of the organization and the mental distance to the object do not have much effect on their charitable behaviors. Study 2 shows that people have no preference between donating money or time either through online or offline mode, while they show higher donating intentions online. Above all, people are more willing to donate online, but in the meantime they donate less money and time online. The study provides valuable theoretical advice on how to construct an accountable, professional and attractive “internet+charity” mode.

Key words: “Internet+charity”, Charity Behavior, Preference of Charity Behavior

摘要: “互联网+慈善”模式正在我国的慈善事业中发挥越来越重要的作用,本研究通过两个实验探讨“互联网+慈善”模式对个体慈善行为的影响。实验一研究发现:“互联网+慈善”模式中个体捐助的时间和金钱显著少于在线下传统慈善模式;慈善机构的权威性、捐助对象的心理距离与慈善捐助模式之间存在交互作用,即线下传统慈善模式中的个体通过权威机构对心理距离更远的对象捐助更多的金钱和时间,而通过非权威机构对心理距离更近的对象捐助更多的金钱和时间,但在“互联网+慈善”模式下,机构权威性和对象心理距离对个体的捐助数额影响不大。实验二显示无论何种捐助模式,个体在捐赠金钱和捐赠时间两种行为之间没有偏好,但在“互联网+慈善”模式下显现出更高的捐助意愿。可见,“互联网+慈善”模式下虽然个体捐助意愿高,但捐助的金额和时间量都较低。上述结论对探索如何建设安全可靠的慈善网站,提高“互联网+慈善”模式的专业度、可信度和吸引力具有重要的启示意义。

关键词: “互联网+慈善”, 慈善行为, 慈善行为偏好

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