›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 104-112.

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Investigating Environmental Regulation and Income Inequality of Urban Residents——The Perspective of Idiosyncratic Regulatory Tools

HE Xingbang   

  1. School of Economics and Management,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,China
  • Received:2018-08-29 Online:2019-06-10 Published:2019-06-13



  1. 西南石油大学经济管理学院,四川 成都 610500
  • 作者简介:何兴邦(1986-),男,四川广元人,西南石油大学经济管理学院讲师,博士。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: This research extends the economic and social impacts of environmental regulation to the domain of income distribution and then carries out an empirical test based on the panel data of the provincial administrations in China. The results show that various environmental regulatory tools have distinct influences on the income distribution of urban residents: in general, command-and-control environmental regulatory tools have dramatically worsened the income inequality among urban residents, while the market-based environmental regulatory tools have a relatively small and inapparent influence on the income distribution of urban residents. From the perspective of different regions, the influence of command-and-control environmental regulatory tools' on the inequality of income distribution among urban residents in different regions presents a descending pattern in the order of “east, central, and west”, while no market-based environmental regulatory tools have dramatically worsened the income inequality in different regions. Based on the empirical test results, this research makes the following conclusions. First of all, there is a need to optimize the design of environmental regulatory tools and encourage government decision-makers to make use of the market means to increase space for independent decision-making by enterprises, thereby realizing the win-win goal between environmental governance and corporate development. Moreover, when using the command-and-control environmental regulatory tools, we need to make supporting policies to encourage the regulated enterprises to proceed with their technological upgrading and worker transformation, which may in turn lead to the nullification of the impacts of environmental regulation from exacerbating the inequality of the income distribution.

Key words: Environmental Regulation, Command-and-control, Market-based, Inequality of Income

摘要: 本研究将环境规制的经济社会影响拓展到收入分配领域,基于中国省际面板数据进行实证检验,发现不同类型的环境规制工具对城镇居民收入分配的影响存在异质性。总体上,命令控制型环境规制显著加剧城镇居民收入不平等,而市场激励型环境规制对城镇居民收入分配的影响程度较小且不显著。分区域来看,命令控制型环境规制对不同地区城镇居民收入分配不平等的影响程度呈东中西依次递减的格局。而在不同区域,市场激励型环境规制都没有显著加剧城镇居民收入不平等。因此,要优化环境规制工具设计,鼓励政府决策者利用市场手段,增加企业自主决策空间,实现环境治理和企业发展双赢的局面。同时,命令控制型环境规制工具的使用要积极建立配套政策辅导被规制企业技术升级和从业者转型,避免环境规制带来的冲击而加剧城镇居民收入分配不平等。

关键词: 环境规制, 命令控制型, 市场激励型, 收入不平等

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