›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (8): 3-11.

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Does Participation in GVCs Raise Manufacturing Wages?

CHEN Siyu, LIU Yifang   

  1. School of Economics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
  • Received:2019-12-10 Online:2020-08-10 Published:2020-08-13


陈思宇, 刘祎芳   

  1. 北京大学经济学院,北京 100871
  • 作者简介:陈思宇(1993-),女,四川成都人,北京大学经济学院博士生;刘祎芳(1993-),女,河北保定人,北京大学经济学院博士生。

Abstract: Based on the WIOD world input-output table and China's labor tracking data, this paper uses forward and backward participation indicators of global value chain to empirically study the impact of the two-way participation in the global value chain on labor wages in China's manufacturing industry from 2000 to 2014.The research shows that the two-way participation in the global value chains has a significant impact on labor wages, in which the forward participation significantly reduces labor wages and the backward participation significantly increases labor wages. There is no lag effect of GVCS ' two-way participation on labor wages. From the perspective of the industry structure and the occupational structure of the labor force, these two-way participation in the global value chain has a great impact on the wage level of workers in capital-intensive industries, workers in low-end positions and regular workers.

Key words: Global Value Chain, Forward Participation, Backward Participation, Labor Wages

摘要: 本文基于WIOD的世界投入产出表和中国劳动力动态调查数据,采用全球价值链前向参与度和后向参与度指标,实证分析2000~2014年全球价值链双向参与度对中国制造业劳动力工资水平的影响。研究结果表明,全球价值链双向参与度对劳动力工资水平具有显著影响,前向参与度显著降低劳动力工资水平,后向参与度显著提高劳动力工资水平。全球价值链双向参与度对劳动力工资水平的作用不存在滞后效应。从行业结构和劳动力职业结构看,全球价值链参与度对资本密集型行业的工人、处于低端职位的工人和正式职工的工资水平影响较大。

关键词: 全球价值链, 前向参与度, 后向参与度, 工资水平

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