›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 52-60.

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Has Social Capital Influenced the Choice of Family Financing Channels?——Empirical Study Based on CHFS Survey Data

WANG Jinzhe   

  1. School of Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu 61000, China
  • Received:2017-12-12 Online:2019-01-10 Published:2019-01-09



  1. 西南财经大学经济学院,四川 成都 610000
  • 作者简介:王金哲(1990-),男,浙江舟山人,西南财经大学经济学院博士生。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: This paper uses the 2013 China Household Financial Survey microdata to empirically test the impact of the social capital on the choice of household financing channels. The results show that families with high social capital are more likely to choose formal financial institutions such as banks when facing financing needs. In particular, every 1% increase in the social capital index increases the probability of households choosing bank financing by 2.7%. For the social capital sub-index, personal reputation and social networking can significantly increase the probability of families choosing bank financing, while family relations increase the likelihood that households will choose private financing. In addition, when the family has financing needs due to the production and operation and the purchase of assets, the increase of social capital will encourage families to choose bank financing, and this effect will be more intense in the production and operation behaviors.

Key words: Social Capital, Bank Financing, Private Financing, Financing Choice

摘要: 本文使用中国家庭金融调查2013年的微观数据,实证检验了社会资本对居民家庭融资渠道选择的影响。研究结果表明,社会资本高的家庭在面临融资需求时更加倾向于选择银行等正规金融机构,若社会资本指数每提高1%,家庭选择银行融资的概率就上升2.7%。就社会资本子指数而言,个人声望、社交网络能够显著地提高家庭选择银行融资的概率,而家庭关系则增强了家庭选择民间融资的可能性。当家庭由于生产经营、资产购买行为而产生融资需求时,社会资本的提高会促使家庭选择银行融资,而这种效应在生产经营行为中表现得更加强烈。

关键词: 社会资本, 银行融资, 民间融资, 渠道选择

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