›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 85-94.

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The More Crowded, the More Selfish? ——Research on the Influence of Social Crowding and Advertising Appeal on Green Product Purchase Intention

HUANG Liyao1,WANG Qian2   

  1. 1.School of Business Administration,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China;
    2.Business School,Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130117,China
  • Received:2020-01-22 Online:2020-06-10 Published:2020-06-16



  1. 1.厦门大学管理学院,福建 厦门 361005;
    2.东北师范大学商学院,吉林 长春 130117
  • 作者简介:黄利瑶(1995-),女,河北邯郸人,厦门大学管理学院博士生;王乾(1993-),男,甘肃陇南人,东北师范大学商学院硕士生,通迅作者。

Abstract: That enterprises use green marketing to spread the concept of environmental protection development to consumers, and increase consumers' willingness to purchase green products is of great significance to their brand image and the market share of their green products. The purpose of this study is to explore the matching effect between the social crowding and the advertising appeal in order to improve the persuasion effect. Based on the Behavior Restriction Theory(BRT), this paper conducts three experiments to study the mechanism and boundary of the matching effect of the social crowding and the advertising appeal on consumers' willingness to purchase green products. The results of the study show that the social crowding and the advertising appeal have an interactive effect on consumers' willingness to purchase green products. Specifically, in a high-crowded social environment, the Egoistic appeal can promote consumers' willingness to purchase green products whereas in low-crowded scenes, the altruistic appeal can promote consumers' green product purchase intentions. Processing fluency plays an intermediary role in this interactive effect path and the consumer self-monitoring level regulates the interactive effect. This interactive effect is only significant when the consumer self-monitoring level is low. In the marketing of green products, enterprises should pay attention to the matching effect of the social crowding and the advertising appeal so as to achieve a better persuasion effect.

Key words: SocialCrowding, AdvertisingAppeal, Self-Monitor, Processing Fluency

摘要: 企业通过绿色营销向消费者传播保护环境发展理念,提高消费者对绿色产品的购买意愿,对于企业品牌形象和占领绿色产品市场份额具有重要意义。本研究旨在探讨社会拥挤和广告诉求方式之间如何匹配,才能提高绿色广告的说服效果。以行为限制学理论为基础,通过3个实验,探讨了社会拥挤与广告诉求的匹配效应对消费者绿色产品购买意愿的作用机制及其影响边界。研究结果表明:社会拥挤和广告诉求对消费者绿色产品购买意愿存在交互效应。具体来说,在高社会拥挤的场景中,利己广告诉求更能促进消费者绿色产品的购买意愿;低社会拥挤的场景中,利他广告诉求更能促进消费者绿色产品的购买意愿。加工流畅性在这一交互效应的影响路径中起中介作用且消费者自我监控水平对交互效应起调节作用,只有消费者自我监控水平较低时,这种交互效应才显著。因此,企业在绿色产品的营销中应关注社会拥挤与广告诉求的匹配效应,以达到更好的绿色广告效果。

关键词: 社会拥挤, 广告诉求, 自我监控, 加工流畅性

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