Collected Essays on Finance and Economics ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (8): 69-80.

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Cumulative Experience and M&A Performance: Learning from Success and Failure

SUN Ye1, HOU Lihe1, LIU Jinqiao2   

  1. 1. Business School, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
    2. School of International, Jilin University of Finance and Economics, Changchun 130117, China
  • Received:2020-07-10 Online:2021-08-10 Published:2021-08-18


孙烨1, 侯力赫1, 刘金桥2   

  1. 1.吉林大学商学院,吉林 长春 130012
    2.吉林财经大学国际交流学院,吉林 长春 130117
  • 作者简介:孙烨(1963-),女,吉林长春人,吉林大学商学院教授,博士生导师;
  • 基金资助:


In the current new normal stage of China’s economic development, with the continuous catalysis of supply-side reforms and industrial optimization and upgrading, more and more companies have chosen to achieve strategic growth through serial mergers and acquisitions, but the results are not always satisfactory. Previous studies have found that learning from past M&A experience can improve the companies’ M&A capabilities and subsequent performance. Some scholars have emphasized the role of failure feedback in the study of the experience influence mechanism, and there are also some scholars who have studied the durability of acquisition performance, but few scholars have specifically compared the different influence mechanisms of success and failure experience learning in serial M&A and the role of experience depreciation. This paper focuses on this topic and intends to answer the following questions. First, is only failure the mother of success? Among the previous successes and failures of mergers and acquisitions, which experience has the greater effect, is it an individual effect or an overall effect? Second, are there any boundary conditions in the mechanism of success and failure experience? Third, will M&A experience depreciate? During the period of the new normal, will the experience mechanism be different from the previous ones?

Based on the organizational learning theory and the resource dependence theory, this article puts forward the hypothesis that both the success experience and the failure experience affect the performance of mergers and acquisitions. Findings of the research on the merger and acquisition data of A-share listed companies from 2004 to 2017 through the ordinary least squares regression are as follows: (1)The success experience of previous mergers and acquisitions will promote the improvement of the merger performance. Compared with the failure experience, the success experience has a greater promotion effect. Further research finds that the impact of the failure experience on the merger performance is related to the degree of loss. The cumulative experience of small and medium losses will promote the improvement of the performance, while the cumulative experience of large losses will inhibit learning. (2)The state-owned enterprise nature of the M&A company will weaken the impact of the M&A experience on the merger performance, and there is a “resource curse” effect among state-owned enterprises. (3) The M&A experience does have a depreciation tendency. The success and failure experience in the new normal period has a greater impact on the M&A performance. M&A companies with experience in the new normal period can learn from their experience to improve performance more effectively. (4) Accumulated experience will affect the M&A selection stage and the restructuring stage, and reducing information uncertainty and improving the effectiveness of the company’s internal control after M&A can improve the performance effectively.

The research in this article has important implications. First, it emphasizes the importance of the success experience. Previous empirical studies have focused more on learning from failures. The results of this article show that at least the same importance should be attached to the success experience and the failure experience. As emphasized by Reese and Trout (2017), managers tend to study failures and neglect consolidating successes. Actually, they should take advantage of their successes and allocate more resources to successful products, because success“breeds”success. Second, surplus resources will have a crowding-out effect on the cultivation of corporate learning capabilities. State-owned enterprises should correct their blind pursuit of and excessive dependence on external resources, gain and use resources appropriately, focus on the use and creation of tacit knowledge such as M&A experience, and cultivate M&A capabilities to avoid the occurrence of the “resource curse”. Third, companies should recognize and deeply understand the different features of the current new normal period from those of the past, and use a new mentality to deal with mergers and acquisitions in the current environment; At the same time, in the light of the depreciation phenomena of mergers and acquisitions experience, rather than attaching equal importance to the merger experience of different periods, they should assign greater weight to the experience of the new normal period, and focus more on the accumulation and application of the experience of successes and failures in the new normal period.

Key words: M&A Performance, Success Experience, Failure Experience, Experience Depreciation, New Normal



关键词: 并购绩效, 成功经验, 失败经验, 经验贬值, 新常态

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